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Staying Cool: Tips to Cope Up and Beat the Heat this Summer

source: | Author:NWOW | Date : 2024-05-01 | 751 Views | Share:

    It’s Summer already, always keep yourself safe and protected whether you are inside or outside of your house or an establishment. Wherever field or jobs you’re working in, be cautious and aware of the temperature and climate season we’re currently experiencing. Moreover, to our dearest branch secretaries and technicians who greatly spend their time working outdoors and en route to do field services each day, it’s important to be mindful, guarded and prepared all the time. Here are the essential tips and advice that you can follow to protect yourself from the heat:

1. Stay Hydrated and Drink Plenty of Water

In this hot weather, it’s important to keep yourself hydrated all the time. Always bring water with you and don’t forget to drink your water. It is also advisable to avoid drinking alcohol, caffeine, or drinks with lots of sugar which can cause dehydration.

2. Eat Light Meals

Opt in skipping heavy meals during summer, eating heavy meals when it’s very hot can make you feel more sluggish or tired because of your body trying hard to do more than you can. To increase hydration, you can also try foods with a high water content such as pineapple, watermelons, and others.

3. Cool Yourself

As skin is where the heat escapes, sweating too much can cause dehydration. Sprinkling or spraying yourself with water will help your body to feel cool. There are several ways to keep yourself cool. You can also keep your cool by trying various methods such as putting your feet and arms on cold water. Drenching your clothes will help you to maintain a stable and normal body temperature.

4. Wear Light Colored Cotton and Loose Clothes

Under the sun and heat, it is preferable to wear light colored clothes which don’t attract the heat and reflect light which causes less absorption of the heat. On the other hand, dark colors such as Black, absorb more light and cause more heat. Choose loose clothes to feel cool and more comfortable which will help you to feel at ease.

5. Bring Protection and Gear Up

It is best for individuals to keep and stay at home when the sun is up, however there are circumstances that we cannot avoid going out of our houses. When you’re planning to get outside, make sure that you put and apply sunscreen on your face. Don’t also forget to bring your hat and umbrella to have an additional layer of protection from the sun.

6. Take Breaks

As PAGASA forecasted, from April to May, the heat index will be at peak during this period. After working or doing field service, it is advisable to take a break before proceeding to the next, also, don’t forget to drink water.

7. Cool Down Yourself

Take a bath or shower to cool down and freshen up your feelings.

8. Look Out and Check on Others

With this hot weather, we should always check on our families or neighbors if they are okay and doing well, especially parents, grandparents, and younger siblings.

9. Be Informed and Attentive to Heat-Related Illnesses

Learn all the information about heat-related illnesses including the symptoms, signs and how to give first-aid in these cases. Symptoms or signs may include headache, nausea, dizziness, muscle cramps, rapid heartbeat and excessive sweating.

    Let’s always keep our cool and be hydrated all the time this Summer. Share these tips to keep you safe and protected, and certainly slay the heat in the most fascinating way!